Bazzite Mediatek Bluetooth not working

Scouring the internet looking for Linux Noob help I have tracked down a fedora driver I hope works but the location they said to extract it to doesn’t exist, it supposed to be in the firmware directory but can’t seem to navigate to it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

What hardware are you using? Be detailed if you can.
Also is it Gnome or Kde?

lspci returns:

06:00.0 Network controller: MEDIATEK Corp. Device 7925
07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller I226-V (rev 04)

It is a Atom Man G7 PT

I think kde but not sure, how can I tell?

Check under settings about.

Also is this a fresh install? I had an issue with Mediatek where I had to cut the power to the system for a few minutes.

Quick command to run to see if firmware is on the system.

ls /lib/firmware/mediatek/mt7925

Yes, Fresh install but has been rebooted and power cycled multiple times, Bluetooth is on in bios.

ls /lib/firmware etc - returns"BT_RAM_CODE_MT7925_1_1_hdr.bin.xz WIFI_MT7925_PATCH_MCU_1_1_hdr.bin.xz WIFI_RAM_CODE_MT7925_1_1.bin.xz
" in red color

In the lower right corner “task bar” when I select Bluetooth it states “no adapters available”

Confirmed KDE

This is very similar to issue I had.
I had to cut the power completely, pull the plug from the wall, press power button on system a few times to make sure capacitors were drained and wait about 10 - 15 minutes. Sounds strange I know but it actually worked and has worked for others with same problem.

Since it’s kde what happens when you right-click the bluetooth? Does it have an option to turn on device? Open system settings and type “bluetooth” into the search window. Make sure it is turned on.

I will try the full drain, I also have seen that some have had success doing this but figured I’d already restarted many times. Right click shows Bluetooth is disabled and the enable is greyed out and does nothing if I select it.

Going to power down Ill be back in 15 or so.

Thanks for the quick replies.

Hopefully it works.

I used to change distro’s quite a bit and it would drive me nuts when I would load a new image and have that bluetooth problem. It was eventually fixed by a motherboard bios update.

Unfortunately it still does not work, I don’t think this is specific to Bazzite, I have seen online it is also an issue in Mint as well. That was the one I was going to try if I could not get this to work. Guess I will live with out it until something gets fixed or I’ll keep digging for a solution. The AtomMan is pretty new as well only been out for a few months, to your comment it could be a BIOS issue. I will reach out to the support at MinisForum and see what they suggest.

Darn that sucks.

One last thing to try if you’re up for it.

Type this:

sudo rmmod btusb

Then this:

sudo modprobe btusb

Wait a few seconds and see if it works.

The rmmod btusb returned:

" rmmod: ERROR: Module btusb is not currently loaded"

The modprobe did not return anything

What does lsmod list? Anything bt or mt792* related?

You can grep to make it easier to read.

lsmod | grep -i bt

lsmod | grep -i 792

mt792x_lib 69632 2 mt7925e,mt7925_common

Did you see my edit about using grep?
Here is a picture of what you might see.

I did this time: :slight_smile:
azzite@bazzite:/home$ lsmod | grep -i bt
^[[3~ 2: btusb 86016 0
58: btrtl 36864 1 btusb
62: btintel 65536 1 btusb
67: btbcm 24576 1 btusb
69: btmtk 12288 1 btusb
77: bluetooth 1056768 15 btrtl,btmtk,btintel,btbcm,bnep,btusb
bazzite@bazzite:/home$ lsmod | grep -i 792
61: mt7925e 24576 0
68: mt7925_common 131072 1 mt7925e
71: mt792x_lib 69632 2 mt7925e,mt7925_common
76: mt76_connac_lib 102400 3 mt792x_lib,mt7925e,mt7925_common
79: mt76 139264 4 mt792x_lib,mt7925e,mt76_connac_lib,mt7925_common
86: mac80211 1744896 4 mt792x_lib,mt76,mt76_connac_lib,mt7925_common
102: cfg80211 1421312 6 wl,mt76,brcmfmac,mac80211,mt76_connac_lib,mt7925_common

systemctl list-units --type=service | grep -i blu

bazzite@bazzite:~$ systemctl list-units --type=service | grep -i blu

7: bluetooth.service loaded active running Bluetooth service

OK I’m stumped. :upside_down_face:

This rmmod: ERROR: Module btusb is not currently loaded means the bluetooth module wasn’t loaded at the time, but sudo modprobe btusb should of loaded it. It takes a few seconds to show up after running that command.

Sorry friend I dunno what else to look for.

I appreciate your help, Linux seems to be an exercise in frustration. All the things I try and do, not just this, I google how too’s and almost nothing ever works as described. Like, I got rufus to run through wine (that tutorial worked) but won’t see my USB drive although bazzite sees it fine. Even the simple things seem to have road blocks.