All my data is gone

I want to preface this by saying im a linux novice. I tried to pkill matlab services in my boxbuddy container and decided to reboot my pc. After my reboot, all my documents and user data is gone including all my other containers, but all the flatpak apps i installed is still there. Also when starting the terminal, it has bash 5.2 as the user name and the default bluefin window is gone. What would cause this and is it possible to restore my files?

Data recovery isn’t really something I’m strong at, but it is probably a good idea for you to only mount the drives in question as read-only until you get sorted or abandon the quest. Every moment you’re running with the drives mounted in rw decreases the likelihood of recovery.

We sorted this in chat, unfortunate command line typo.

I just PRed trash-cli to bluefin-cli so we can recommend it to new users: GitHub - andreafrancia/trash-cli: Command line interface to the trashcan.

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Score one for the good guys! In the meantime, I’m not too proud to admit I’ve aliased rm=‘rm -I’!