What's the unique selling point?

I don’t get it. What does bluefin has that fedora silverblue hasn’t. Why is it a distro/image and not a post install script?

Why did the https://projectbluefin.io/ lead me to the ublue discourse group for its developer and user documentation?

Btw, this post is only about bluefin. Bluefin redirects to this forum.

Bluefin includes a few things you won’t find in stock Silverblue: codecs, flathub integration ootb, and a slow rolling tag out of the box. There’s an intro doc here: Introduction to Bluefin

This model removes the need for having post install scripts and instead ensures that you get the final image after all the modifications have been made instead of an imperative script. Since it’s an atomic layer on top of fedora you can revert back to a stock image if you choose to do so.

So that people can ask questions and help each other out, if you have any more I’d be happy to answer them!