Trouble Waking from Suspend

Waking from suspend has been working just fine for me on Bluefin-DX stable until this morning…

When I attempt to wake my desktop PC, the fan in the tower starts spinning, the keyboard and mouse light up/become active, etc. But the monitor does not respond! It’s power LED stays in the “stand by” state, which is orange, and does not change to it’s “active” blue color. Nothing appears on the screen, etc.

The only thing I can do at that point is use the power button to do a hard reboot of the machine, after which everything works fine… until I suspend again.

If anyone has any tweaks or workarounds for this, I would really appreciate it!

You don’t have any joy booting from a previous snapshot? I don’t remember reading anything about power management changes in the current patches, but I believe the last one was pretty big… so maybe try booting from some snapshot prior to yesterday as a start?

Is that going to be in the grub menu on boot? If so, I’ll give that a try.

Yes, mate. They should have ordinals at the end, so 0 would be the newest, 1 would be the previous, and so on. If you’re on the system now, you can do a rpm-ostree status to get an overview of what’s available, when it was installed, what packages it has layered in, etc.

You also have the option to “pin” something you know to suit you, such that it will always be available and never rotate out or whatever. You might want to investigate that as an option if you find that booting your old image improves your lot.

Well… After rolling back, where the wake from sleep issue did not happen, and then rolling back forward later this evening…

The problem seems to have solved itself. I’m now back on the latest stable image and wake from suspend seems to be back to normal.

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sometimes alt+ctl+f3 and then the same f2 to get back in?

Unfortunately, that doesn’t work because the actual monitor does not seem to be receiving a signal from the PC itself. It’s not that the monitor comes on but doesn’t display anything - the monitor remains in its “stand by” state.

Also… this problem is back for me this morning!

My suggestion remains reverting to the last known-good setup (hope you pinned it!). Power management stuff can be sufficiently difficult to diagnose that I would far prefer comparing the changes from a good snapshot as a filter to simplify the troubleshooting.

You’re always able to recover with a hard restart and aren’t experiencing other issues that might indicate hardware failure or a need to reseat the GPU or something that just accidentally coincided with one of the very frequent updates?

whats your gpu? nvidia amd intel?

My GPU is a 6700XT. My hardware setup has not changed in a few years now, at this point.

I suppose that it is possible that my GPU has just started going bad in the last week or so, but I have not experienced this particular issue on other Linux distros (or even on Windows) on the same hardware.

i dare say a systemD service is in order for this by utilising the xrandr tool

Will that work on Wayland?

I think I have found a solution to this issue that seems to have worked (so far…) in my case.

After a quite a bit of googling, I came across a conversation on the Fedora Reddit about someone having a similar issue in (not-atomic) Fedora. They were using several Flatpaks on their system and using Flatseal to manage them.

For some reason, the person realized they had inadvertently toggled off the options “X11 windowing system” and “Wayland windowing system” globally in Flatseal. After toggling them back on, they no longer had wake from suspend problems.

I took a look at mine and, sure enough, both those options were toggled off. I don’t recall doing that, but I probably did it when playing around in the options trying to get Lutris to display in dark mode. I say that because it seems that both of those toggle switches should be on in Flatseal by default (I’m talking about the global options in Flatseal here, not the individual application settings).

I have turned them both back on… and so far so good! It’s been a few days now and I have had no trouble waking from suspend since I re-enabled those two toggle switches in Flatseal.

I will freely admit that I’m not entirely sure why having those toggles in the off position would cause my monitor to refuse to respond when waking from sleep, but… I’ll take it! My best guess it is that I tend to suspend my machine with a few GUI apps open, stuff like Firefox or Steam, etc. Since all GUI apps in Bluefin/Aurora are Flatpaks, maybe having the windowing system toggles turned off with those applications open was what was causing the problem?

Either way, I thought I would leave a note in this thread for anyone out there who experiences something similar on the off chance that it might be helpful. Especially since I can’t seem to find the Reddit thread again where I found the solution in the first place…

EDIT - I wanted to correct myself on something! If you are on Wayland, only toggle on the “Wayland windowing system” option in Flatseal. Leave the X11 one off.

I turned them both back on, seemed to be doing alright, but started having intermittent problems again. After some more google-fu, I found the reddit conversation that sent me down this path and realized the user with this suggestion had actually only mentioned the Wayland option.

You can read that reddit thread here -

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