Topgrade custom commands

Is there any way to plug my own topgrade custom commands into topgrade config, so that I could use ujust upgrade OOTB? I see that you fetch the config from /usr/share/ublue-os/topgrade.toml. It would be nice if it could be fetched from $HOME instead.

P.S.: It should be as simple adding this something like this topgrade/config.example.toml at 614131b7bfc37a6fe66180409cac43e24569f9b7 · topgrade-rs/topgrade · GitHub in

paths = $HOME/.config/topgrade.d/

~.config/topgrade.toml should work fine and should respect your settings.

But then ujust upgrade would not execute my configuration anyway. I would need to execute topgrade outside of ujust. I want ujust upgrade to take care of all updates including my custom ones.

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Oh I see, can you file an issue and we can take a look?

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For reference, the issue is here: FR: `ujust upgrade` to include user `topgrade` configs · Issue #256 · ublue-os/config · GitHub

In the meantime, you can add to /etc/ublue-os/topgrade.toml, but I’m not sure whether it can be overwritten by updates.