Thanks for Wayblue!

I have already thought of this project to not have the best branding.

You have Blufin, Aurora, Bazzite… those names have nothing in common. Also no prefix like “Fedora” has: Fedora Silverblue.

Also it would probably be to long to have: Universal Blue Blufin and probably confusing also what is base name “Universal” or “Universal Blue” and what is the spin name “Blue Blufin” or “Blufin”.

Now it is probably little bit late to do rebranding… The only way I see is to have like: Ublue Blufin, Ublue Aurora…

Additionally there is this dinozaurs thing, that makes things even more difficult to see.

Branding is important! And usually project starts without any though on branding, then it gets popular and it is too late…

The other day my friend asked me if he can bought a notebook with Blufin preinstalled. No, can’t and there looks like no intention from current project.

And additionally Blufin is not a distribution thing. On Fedora web site they named Blufin project “repackager”.