List of Community Created Custom Images

List of Community Custom Images

Note: Use the images below at your own risk.

This list is an attempt to organize and collect public configs of custom images by the community. This will help others build their own and allow for us to learn from each other.

(in alphabetical order)

  • Agus Lopez (aguslr)
    • bluevanilla - A custom Silverblue image that uses vanilla GNOME and FlatHub apps
    • bluefusion - A custom image that adds RPM Fusion with media codecs and replaces Toolbox with Distrobox
  • Atomic Studio Org
    • Atomic Studio - Operating system based on Fedora Atomic meant for content creators and artists
  • Alessandro Di Stefano (aleskandro)
    • my-ostree-config OSTree-native container configs for a custom Fedora Kinoite for personal use
  • Benjamin Sherman
    • ublue-custom - Personalized variant images inspired by ublue-os/base but with system Flathub, per-variant packages, and script for TPM2 LUKS auto-unlock; based on ublue-kmods.
  • HikariKnight
    • Deckstation - A personal workstation and handheld image of bazzite-deck but with virt-manager and qemu included and SDDM login enabled with gamemode as a selectable desktop session (be warned that this is HK’s local testing image)
  • Joshua AE Lee
    • htpc - built on the ublue main image this is just minimum viable Kodi for a lovely Home Theatre PC
  • m0ngr31
    • cabos - A hyper opinionated spin for developers
  • Noel Miller
    • Isengard - an opinionated image based off of Bazzite. Added specific tools for Systems Administration and Development, as well as certain apps and games I use regularly
  • Secureblue
    • Secureblue - A security optimized Distribution, limiting attack surface, and protecting from known and unknown risks, while staying user-friendly
      • Desktops (Silverblue, Kinoite, Sericea, Bluefin, Wayfire) with user namespaces disabled, using bubblewrap-suid; or with user namespaces and bubblewrap
      • Server image with or without user namespaces
      • Dedicated Laptop Images
      • Framework variants
      • Nvidia variants
  • sekalengrengginang/dreamyuki
  • wayblueorg

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Whoa, Secureblue caught my attention. I wondered if there would be interest in building a hardened Fedora. Turns out there already was!


Curious why Eternal Linux is not on the list

It’s a wiki, people can add whatever images they’d like!

Wanted to add my own image:

Aurora Repo

A KDE based fork of Bluefin that wants to stay as close to upstream as possible, with the better desktop of course. :ok_hand:

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Eternal Linux is my highly opinionated and unstable distribution. I don’t intend on people using it directly, but rather cloning it to their own GitHub account and making changes there. The aim is to show what’s possible, not for people to depend on the project.

I deprecate older versions of packages without announcements (as i expect only I am using them) and I plan to add additional security tooling that most may not want, so would recommend not making your desktops dependant on my repo - create your own using my code as a base or reference. This is why I don’t really advertise it on these sorts of posts.

Eternal Linux is what I need in a desktop, and I often use it as a test-bed for things I bring across to Universal Blue.

Yes, people can use it if they wish, but don’t expect anything near as stable as Universal Blue images as I am running it as a personal project, rather than a community project.


Would you like me to remove it from the list?

It is great to see lot of custom images :slight_smile: more people, more images , more love for this beautiful project !