Hi, I’m new to Bluefin. I’ve installed it on a Lenovo All-In-One touchscreen PC. The out of box of experience is excellent even though this machine is 10 years old. It won’t win races, but it does enough.
The touchscreen worked right away but only for tapping and single finger swiping/scrolling. Does anyone know how to take advantage of the multi-touch capacity?
I’m hoping to turn it into a kiosk center for navigating 3D point cloud landscape models using Potree. The models load fine but the view can’t be manipulated.
I have Bluefin running on a Samsung AIO from 2013. It’s working great with multitouch. At first, I didn’t think it was working. What I found with 3-finger swiping is that I need to not be at the bottom/bottom of the screen. I need to be 1-2 inches from the bottom of the screen. Swiping up opens the dock, and I can see other desktops. Swiping up again with 3-fingers will bring my programs. Three-finger swiping left and right will get me to different desktops. If I press and hold a single finger, I will get the right mouse menu. Two-finger pinch and expand will magnify and make it smaller. I hope that works for you.