Not that long ago we added a in-house developed tool to Bazzite testing
named ScopeBuddy.
However ScopeBuddy is now available in Bazzite stable
so everyone can use it now!.
ScopeBuddy is a script that works as a bridge and manager for gamescope
The way to utilize it is by adding
scb -- %command%
scopebuddy -- %command%
to your games Launch Options.
When you now launch the game, scopebuddy will look at ~/.config/scopebuddy/scb.conf
and apply your default global settings for gamescope before looking into ~/.config/scopebuddy/AppID/appidofgame.conf
to apply any game specific settings you have defined.
Finally it will apply a fix for the Steam Overlay and Steam Input so they both work inside nested gamescope and launch the game.
Best of all, if you use gamemode and desktop mode, you will no longer have to remove gamescope from the launch options when you launch the game inside gamemode. When you use scopebuddy instead of gamescope, it will handle this automatically for you.
For full documentation and usage please look at the dedicated ScopeBuddy documentation
You can find the source for ScopeBuddy here to either contribute to it or use it in your own project.