Relationship to BlueBuild

Is Universal Blue officially related to BlueBuild ?

If not, is the Universal Blue board (poke @j0rge) aware of it ?

If it’s related in concept (as I currently think it is), would it be possible for Universal Blue and BlueBuild to be merged, or at least share efforts ?

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Technically we ‘share efforts’ like this:
Most BlueBuild contributors are also Universal Blue contribtors or at least diligently read the ublue dev channels on GitHub and Discord.

Those who are not BlueBuild contributors, as I understand it, do not seek to be.

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I didn’t know some Universal Blue parts has been upstreamed to BlueBuild prior to posting my initial post

Glad to hear!

So, wait, BlueBuild is just doing it’s own thing? I thought it was more like Bluefin - as in, it’s a part of Universal Blue as a whole. Just the old automated GitHub repo setup, spun into its own site with its own name and branding now that that sub-section of the uBlue project has gotten big enough.

Is it worth it to remake my old uBlue image builder with the new BlueBuild btw? It’s been working… pretty well, for the most part, and I don’t really care enough to touch it unless something is preventing image building process. I don’t mind taking a weekend and migrating IF there’s a decent benefit to it.

Universal Blue and BlueBuild share a good proportion of contributors anyway

Universal Blue seems to focus on intermediary (as in: “to be extended”) and end-user (Bluefin, Aurora, Bazzite, uCore, …) images

Universal Blue’s intermediary images (as in: “to be extended”) seems to be rebased on BlueBuild too

Like BlueBuild → Universal Blue intermediary images → Universal Blue end-user (bluefin, aurora, bazzite, uCore, …) images

That would mean that it’s fine if you keep your workflow as-is

Correct me if i’m wrong

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