Python core development on Aurora?

…skip this if you don’t currently build python from source on Aurora…

I’m a new(ish) Aurora user and I use it mostly for browsing and shitposting. I thought of using it as a (python) development machine but I’m starting to flail around…

On my Macbook I use pycharm pro to make corrections to the python/cpython core docs. The workflow involves compiling cpython, running the test suite then building the docs.

I get that there are several potential ways I could install a python dev environment, but I wonder if there is an opinionated (as in “working”) method
that allows me to

  • build cpython from source,
  • run the tests,
  • build the docs,
    and potentially use that (altinstall?) python to run, build, package etc.

I have heard people say they use Aurora for developing with Python, although I haven’t heard of anyone compiling cpython itself.

I could live without Pycharm because it’s not clear how to install it so that it works with podman and can see multiple python SDKs, etc.
So Pycharm ends up just being a really slow editor.
(it’s high time I switched to emacs anyway)

I know that there is something called distrobox and that it’s different from a devpod: Distrobox vs Devpod use cases - Please share! - #2 by arenas93

But apparently the new way is to to use dev containers…
So I don’t want to spent three weeks learning each of the alternatives. I would typically do that and emerge from the rathole three months later…

So far, no guidance.
Well, I did a breadth first search across distrobox, dev containers, toolbox and decided to give toolbox a try.

So far, it’s really easy!
At this rate, I can see myself adding a bluefin section to the

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