On Manjaro I would have the same problem and I was hoping Bazzite would fix the problem but it seems to still happen. Sometimes randomly but usually when a match is just starting, it will make my whole PC freeze. I tried Alt + F2, F1-F6 TTY consoles, and finally REISUB SysReq commands all of which do nothing. The entire OS freezes when this happens, including my mouse. Usually whatever sound was playing at the moment will just play continually looping the last second or so of audio.
I play via Steam using proton experimental and gamescope -w 2560 -h 1440 --hdr-enabled -- %command% as my launch options to use HDR with Gamescope. Steam in the System Monitor will usually be at around 9.4GiB - 11GiB memory usage. I’m playing with the same video settings that work fine on my Windows install - graphics set to ultra and dynamic render scale at 75%-100%. My Bazzite install is up to date - v41. Any ideas?
If I turn my video settings down (High vs Ultra that usually gives a stable 175 fps on Windows), the full system freezes are a lot less frequent.
Is there a form of closing a program due to low memory in Linux? On Windows I would sometimes have a game crash saying out of memory which I’d much prefer over the whole system freezing. Is this a thing that I can enable in Linux, simply quitting the program that would have caused a system freeze instead of forcing a reboot?
Or could it be a sign of my GPU going out? The only thing that makes me not think that is that I have no issues like this on Windows - the worst would be if I actually did have a lot open and then getting that out of memory error which makes sense.
Still no improvements on this. I downgraded to proton-ge 8.32 and that helped for a while but it is back to terrible performance. Some people are talking about installing “DXVK” - how would I go about installing that on Bazzite? Is that possible on an immutable distro?
Take a look at ProtonUp-Qt - it should be installed on Bazzite or you can do so via Flatpak.
In general I’d say if it was a Proton thing more people would experience it and you would find Github isssues or other posts somewhere. I never had any such freezes with Proton but I used to have them occasionally with Wine.