Missing Window Handles

I thought this was an application issue but now I have two cases:

Here is the script for element:

Atleast the riot (element) is a electron app and they had to do some hoops to get wayland working with the flatpak. And the resizing issue is known, you just have to turn off the wayland protocol in flatseal to make it work.

One issue in riot flatpak repo in github: Window is not resizable in 1.11.80 build · Issue #477 · flathub/im.riot.Riot · GitHub

Not sure if it will help, but you could try enabling resize with right-click.
so you would hold down the super key and drag window corners while holding down right mouse button.

Yes, using gnome-tweaks, I turned on Windows → Click-Actions → Resize-with-Secondary-Click.

Now I can resize with the “secondary-click” as you suggested.

I have been messing with flatseal setting for the two apps.
The following seems to cause the two applications to use X11 rather than Wayland.


  • Wayland windowing system : off
  • Fallback to X11 windowing system : on


I had been using Alt-F8 but that is sensitive to the direction the mouse first moves.

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