I’m having some trouble with my shell. It’s outputting bash: /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew: No such file or directory
before my prompt every time I open a terminal.
This happened after I had problems setting up bluefin-cli. I got some systemctl errors and then some group permission errors once I entered the distrobox.
For now, I just want to get rid of that message because it’s pretty annoying. I’ve tried looking around bashrc to see if it was trying to source a missing file but I couldn’t find anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m on bluefin-dx.
Yep, the team is working on this.
I see. I found the issue on GitHub. Thank you for the quick reply.
Can you share a link to the issue? Thanks!
I thought it was this one, but after reading it, it doesn’t really seem related. Sorry.
I did some grep’ing around though and it seems that this is caused by either (or both) homebrew-env.sh
and brew.sh
using the /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin
directory when it only exists in the distrobox:
choicewake@bluefin /etc/profile.d🔒
📦 $ cat homebrew-env.sh
# shellcheck shell=sh
export PATH
choicewake@bluefin /etc/profile.d🔒
📦 $ cat brew.sh
export PATH=$PATH:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin
Since they’re in profile.d
, the shell tries to source them every time I open a terminal.
A fix would probably involve making the shell run these two files only when inside the distrobox, but I don’t know enough about how bluefin is structured to actually do that.
fix: polkit policy for user-networked-tasks by bketelsen · Pull Request #954 · ublue-os/bluefin · GitHub is an inflight PR looking to fix it. (Sorry don’t have time for more detail rn)
where did /etc/profile.d/homebrew-env.sh come from? are these from previous homebrew installations?
The changes we added yesterday only included brew.sh, and it’s different from the one you posted.
❯ bat -p /etc/profile.d/brew.sh
[[ $- == *i* ]] && eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
I just realized I ran these commands from bluefin-cli. The files I posted are from the container. Sorry about that.
You’re right. There’s no homebrew-env.sh and my brew.sh looks just like yours. My mistake.
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