Just File Importing?

Hello, I grabbed the bazzite-Waydroid.just file from Bazzite and would like to import it into Bluefin Stable. What is the easiest way to do this, considering that /usr/share/ublue-os/just/ is read-only?

just reads the following files


so IMO easiest way would be to save the provided script as $HOME/justfile or $HOME/.justfile, then run it using just setup-waydroid.

Because I’m paranoid, I’d add something like this first to make sure all runs well LOL

❯ cat .justfile
# Hello, world!
	echo "Hello, world!"
❯ just -n hello-world # dry-runs command
echo "Hello, world!"
❯ just hello-world # actually runs command
Hello, world!

Then, copy and paste the setup-waydroid script within the same file as above and follow the same steps with the new command. It most likely won’t run the way it would in Bazzite though, because parts of it require bins that are baked into Bazzite.

FWIW, you can manually set up Waydroid by layering android-tools, lzip, and waydroid , then running sudo waydroid init -c https://ota.waydro.id/system -v https://ota.waydro.id/vendor -s GAPPS. Then you can install other necessities from UBlue’s fork of Waydroid scripts, as provided in the Bazzite script, or others’ fork of casualsnek’s (now outdated) original scripts.

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