Is Wake on Lan supported?

When searching the forum I only find this line:


Searching github issues brings no result.

So my question: Is WOL supported?

I would like to switch from ChimeraOS, but WOL is a must have.

Bazzite has WoL support now as long as your device supports it and it’s enabled in the BIOS. It should be ready to go out of the box now.

Edit: Actually one major thing with this. We recommend the device running Bazzite be connected via Ethernet. If you’re also using remote play, use Sunshine over Steam Link.

Nice to hear. It’s a pc so no handheld :slight_smile:

Yeah that’s fine. We support desktop hardware too.

Hello! I have a PC with Buzzit installed and want to start streaming on my Steam Deck. I enabled WoL in the BIOS and installed Sunshine, added Moonlight to Steam, but the wake-up does not work out of the box. Tell me how to set this up correctly on Buzzit?

Wake on Lan


NetworkManager provides Wake-on-LAN ethernet support. One way to enable Wake-on-LAN by magic packet is through nmcli.

First, search for the name of the wired connection:

nmcli con show
NAME    UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE
eno1  612e300a-c047-4adb-91e2-12ea7bfe214e  802-3-ethernet  enp0s25

By following, one can view current status of Wake-on-LAN settings:

nmcli c show "eno1" | grep 802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan
802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan:             default
802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan-password:    --

Enable Wake-on-LAN by magic packet on that connection:

nmcli c modify "eno1" 802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan magic

Then reboot, possibly two times. To disable Wake-on-LAN, substitute magic with ignore.