Is the workspaces view gone?

I would swear that few days ago I still pressed the super key, get an overview of windows and workspaces, and could move windows from one workspace to other.

Today I realized that it is gone

Where it says now “Type to search”, I had an overview of different workspaces and I could move around windows. Is it an option that has been disabled? Where can I enabled it again?

Yup, I’m having the same problem as you.

What version are you guys on? I do not see the same thing you are and see no deployments queued.

rpm-ostree status -v
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: no runs since boot
● ostree-image-signed:docker:// (index: 0)
                   Digest: sha256:d7bc85bead404622c41865121a145bc2a3772e40908edfdb1bb0d0bc5b7b86f1
                  Version: 41.20250305.2 (2025-03-05T18:19:17Z)
                   Commit: 6fd39b27f34637eab09f3a927c84daddb8b1b8966bc0d99096dde0a46ddcdc22
                   Staged: no
                StateRoot: default

  ostree-image-signed:docker:// (index: 1)
                   Digest: sha256:228e83609e1156b71c17eb5d0d32086db0b1539b7766822ff77f414b51a9974e
                  Version: 41.20241229 (2024-12-29T06:06:49Z)
                   Commit: 25c731074956921ec7146d6672dac2d3de90b329ae78167840743930f05d38ca
                StateRoot: default

I am starting to get frustrated with the opinionated choices wrt to GNOME config in buefin.

For example, I do not like the Mission Center or BoxBuddy. I installed a custom version of Logo Menu to use the GNOME `

Hmmm …

Perhaps bluefin is TOO OPINIONATED for my usage. Bummer.

❯ rpm-ostree status -v

State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: last run 1h 54min ago
● ostree-image-signed:docker:// (index: 0)
                   Digest: sha256:ec12a66eb2a5008ec80e8f730de35e8df2647e46a60a059362007b39ab393262
                  Version: 41.20250309.1 (2025-03-09T06:06:29Z)
                   Commit: 87cf9dab59fa2bb9586017a74d7dd9010839cf113ef390fe407ce97185d2e7c3
                   Staged: no
                StateRoot: default

  ostree-image-signed:docker:// (index: 1)
                   Digest: sha256:937f67a00c830fa994ea6f63a970b4df19ea38b225afaf43eb367faf630621cb
                  Version: 41.20250302 (2025-03-02T06:04:45Z)
                   Commit: 615728828f9a4d69e761fe92788f5ee29b55916d292d8395aeb8065094e72700
                StateRoot: default

Honestly I dont have any idea why the workspaces arent showing up, I believe we havent updated anything that would change that and Im pretty sure we havent done anything to the Bluefin configs

I understand what you mean. In my case, it is in general with Gnome :-D. Along the last two and a half decades I have tried different desktop environments. The COSMIC DE has been one of my favourites, maybe because it is like Gnome, but you can actually change things.

At the end, I just want/need to get things done. A nice wallpaper, and as much space as possible available is what I ask to the DE. Years ago I was pickier with my DE, nowadays, not really, that is the reason because I stay with Gnome, I guess.

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Do you know if there is a way I can “look into dconf” to find out what my configuration for workspaces is?

@tulilirockz Thanks for confirming that no known applicable changes to bluefin.

@mmartinortiz is it possible you are looking on a secondary monitor and have the “Workspaces on primary display only” setting enabled? (System Settings → Multitasking → Multi-Monitor)

NOTE it is enabled by default.

The documented gsettings command that I could find quickly to check it from the command line no longer seems to work.

gsettings get workspaces-only-on-primary

I found it. The schema changed with Mutter (Wayland).

gsettings get org.gnome.mutter workspaces-only-on-primary

you can use gsettings to discover your settings.

gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.mutter

This will show all available schema:

gsettings list-schemas

Hope that helps.

It is set to be shown in all displays. The screenshot was taken on the laptop without external monitor. I also tried rebooting the system (hey, it always works on my work-windows machine)

❯ gsettings get org.gnome.mutter workspaces-only-on-primary

This is curious, at least:

❯ gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.mutter

org.gnome.mutter dynamic-workspaces false

It is set to false, but in the graphic interface is set to (what it should be) true

I just set a fixed number of workspaces. Then, the workspace view appear on the super view (I’m not sure how is it called). After setting it back to dynamic, the workspaces view is gone.

By default, “org.gnome.mutter dynamic-workspaces” is false even when the interface says true, changing from dynamic to fixed, sets the setting to true, but the workspace view is not back.

This sounds like a GNOME Mutter related defect.

I heard that GNOME 48 rc was released recently. There are supposed to be a large number of Wayland-related enhancements and fixes in 48.

Fingers crossed …

I finally was updated to 41.20250309.1 bluefin-dx-nvidia:stable and saw the same thing at first. But after “some time” the workspaces preview in the overview screen showed up.

Note I did set “Fixed” and then back to “Dynamic” while replicating what is described above. Not sure if that is related or not.

There are issues filed on gnome-shell that sound related:

But I am not sure.


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Thanks for the research. One of the open issues is pretty old. Since this is not a change made in Bluefin, let’s hope that