I’m new to the atomic image world, and haven’t used fedora for so long it might as well be never. After installing a flatpack app it’s not available in terminal. What’s the standard way of fixing that?
For instance: meld launches fine from app menu but not terminal:
❯ flatpak list |grep meld
61: Meld org.gnome.meld 3.22.2 stable x86_64 flathub system
❯ meld
bash: meld: command not found
❯ locate meld
❯ usr/libexec/git-core/mergetools/meld
bash: usr/libexec/git-core/mergetools/meld: No such file or directory
What is the actual command to run meld? What is the idiomatic way of figuring this out?
Is there a standard method for “enable cmd line for my flatpack apps”? I mean I know that armed with the above I can add alias meld='flatpack run org.gnome.meld' to .bashrc, but is that an expected app-by-app user task or is there a general solution/setting I just haven’t run across yet?
Unfortunately not. The best you can do is add /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin to your $PATH so that you can instead just type org.gnome.meld into terminal.
For the apps I want easily typable into terminal, I have function in my system setup script that goes flatpak_run_wrapper "io.neovim.nvim" "nvim" that will create the following file called nvim in ~/.local/share/bin the following contents.
Good catch on the spelling.
I need terminal because the goal is to use with git, which I discovered needs path to executable and won’t work with an alias.
I created a bin script like @that_leaflet showed, buuutt unfortunately that doesn’t work because of something to do with temp files. That’s not part of this thread though.