Important announcement regarding system updates [Action needed]

It was so nice having a fix before knowing there was an issue, instead of normally having to search for a fix after discovering an issue! I saw the post through Github and checked by running an manual upgrade and sure enough, error due to keys so I ran the fix and problem solved. Thanks Jorge and crew!

I’m enjoying running Aurora-DX-Nvidia, I was messing with Aurora before it officially became part of UBlue so I’m glad it became the KDE version of Bluefin.

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Hi, I’ve just executed the command on my Bazzite install on the Legion Go, and after rebooting, all I got it’s a blank screen.
It bootstraps, gets past the Bazzite spinning wheel, and then it remains blank indefinitely.

I’ve already tried rebooting it a couple of times, but it stuck there, never goes past the blank screen.

Is there anything I can do from here to restore it to a functioning OS? Thanks

For anyone who gets this, as I did, do the following:

  • first, open a tty + login via pressing Ctrl + alt + f2 on a physical keyboard
  • then, delete old/stale env variables from $HOME/.config/environment.d
  • also, run sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • reboot

All working as expected now, in my case, I had an older gamescope variable that was tripping it up.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Min-free-space-percent error when doing an update

I ran the script also and I’m getting the following:

Pulling manifest: ostree-image-signed:docker://
error: Creating importer: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method OpenImage: remote error: cryptographic signature verification failed: invalid signature when validating ASN.1 encoded signature
System update failed: 
   0: Command failed: `/usr/bin/rpm-ostree upgrade`
   1: `/usr/bin/rpm-ostree` failed: exit status: 1

Retry? (y)es/(N)o/(s)hell/(q)uit

Nevermind. I’m an idiot. Rebased to stable and all appears fine.


I saw the announcement on Discord. This seems to have been handled very well. The openess makes me even more comfortable with my choice to move over to Bazzite, more open about a major issue than a number of other systems. Great to see the security in place works properly.

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On a side note - Fedora also had an announcement related to issues with signing this week:
Manual action needed to resolve boot failure for Fedora Atomic Desktops and Fedora IoT


So appreciate your proactive, open communication and fast fix. Works perfectly.

I’m a no-coder (becoming a low-coder :slight_smile: using Bluefin DX, and I love it. Fantastic product.

Appreciate you guys!


After running:
curl -sL | sudo bash

I get the following:
bash: line 1: html: No such file or directory
bash: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `<’
'ash: line 2: `301 Moved Permanently

Edit: It seems like pasting the command through KDE Connect caused issues some how.


Thank you for the transparency and the update and instructions. Very helpful!


Hi, I’m having some problems with the gaming mode, when I’m on the desktop mode all good, but in gaming mode it stuck at a black screen, I’ve read that in the version bazzite-deck: 40-stable-20240424 works okay with polaris (I have a rx 480), I’ve tried to rebase to that version after applying this fix, but pops this error:
Captura de pantalla_20240709_153927

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The fix script overwrites the file /etc/pki/containers/ with the new key and that is why you probably can’t verify the older image. Maybe @j0rge has the old key still laying around somewhere?

I’ve had the same error pre fix script

We are in the process of resigning old images. And we are tracking that the last version of bazzite 39 is an especially important version to resign.


Thanks! I understand! I really appreciate what you’ve built and the work and care that goes into maintaining it.

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Okay, I haven’t looked into this because I’ve been super busy, but this shouldn’t effect people who are building their own images right?

You are probably signing your own image already with your own keypair, it’s the SIGNING_SECRET in your github secrets panel in the github settings. Your public key is likely in in the root of your repo.

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Alright, doesn’t seem like an issue for image builders - my boot entries says I’m on 20240707 build already. Thanks.

Super pour le boulot de correction; je viens de faire les commande sur BluFine & Bazzite ,je suis content !
Merci .

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My laptop wont boot with the new image and it sends me back the the GRUB menu, where I have to pick the previous image if I want to boot.

Solved: I had to re-renroll and do the MOK enroll.