Hi there, I am really interested in this question? Will the Steam gaming UI work? Touch and pen controls? The dockable keyboard, wifi, sound, miniDP port, etc? Ans experiences so far?
Welcome to the community.
I cannot say for sure. I haven’t been able to test with the hardware.
I would say a lot of it would be based on the model of Surface Pro you plan on using. It looks like many of the older versions are using ARM. There are specific versions of Linux that work with ARM, so I am uncertain how Bazzite would run.
For touchscreen and pen I have had better luck with Gnome Bazzite Desktop vs. the KDE variant but I haven’t tested my touch/pen display with the newer KDE. I wouldn’t see the miniDP being problematic as it’s pretty standard on a lot of laptops. The dockable keyboard though… I am not certain. I would recommend instead of installing it directly to instead put the install on a bootable USB and use the test option prior to committing to anything. That should directly attempt the keyboard, wifi, and more.
The short answer is, I personnally wouldn’t recommend it.
Long answer: I’ve run regular Fedora on a Surface Pro 4 and I did eventually get it to work but it was a bit of a pain. The Surface hardware is rather proprietary and special, so to use all functionality you basically have to use a custom kernel specifically for Surface: GitHub - linux-surface/linux-surface: Linux Kernel for Surface Devices
They also have a nice matrix of what works and what doesn’t for each device: Supported Devices and Features · linux-surface/linux-surface Wiki · GitHub
So you would probably have to build your own bazzite image with that kernel. And after I had installed that kernel, most things worked, some tiny things were missing though. I can’t remember what they were exactly but eventually they were annoying me enough that I went back to POS Windows 11. And then I upgraded to a similar lenovo device where everything just works.
So judge for yourself if it’s worth it to you to put that work in or if all your use-cases are covered.
EDIT: Aurora might be worth a try though, they have a Surface-specific version: Aurora