How to install ART (A fork of RawTherapee) on Bluefin? (Was how to compile a program?)

TL;DR: Bellow are instructions how to install ART in container using BoxBuddy. I hope I have written instructions detailed enough you can follow it to install ART program.

From your post I don’t really understand if your main point is to compile a program or you would like to install ART program and use it. I suppose you want to install it, because of your post: “I use computers to get things done…”

If you just want to install it, then I suggest to rename the thread from “How to compile a program?” to “How to install program ART?”, you can get way more help with this kind of forum title.

First thing first, it is nothing special about Blufin to ask specific program questions on this forum. You can probably get more help on ART forum. They have more specific knowledge about ART.

Few words about compiling. Programmers write source code in text editors (or special developer programs called IDEs). This code is human readable e.g. if time = '12:00pm'; then echo "Its noon"; end_if . In order this such commands are understood by computer, source code must be compiled to machine readable code like: create register A; move data to register A; very low level computer code. One line of source code is compiled into several low level commands.

There are like hundreds source code languages and each of there has its own way to compile source code to computer level code. For details you always have to go to the exact web page of program to follow the instructions.

After compile process is finished executable program is created. Executable program has several names like: installation program or binary code. On Windows this is usually setup.exe, on Linux this can be DEB or RPM file, or some other format like flatpak (or some other format like snap on Ubuntu, AppImage,…) or program can be in some binary installation form, usually compressed in some_file.tar.gz file.

If you only want to install a program, then we don’t need to go through the compiling source code to binary code, because most probably application developer has already provided some executable = binary program.

On ART web page search for binary and we get to:

From the instructions above it looks like the simplest way will be to install a program on OpenSuse distribution. But no worries, the beauty of Blufin (not really specific to it) is, you can install a program in a container. You can imagine containers like installing software on your second computer, but this program will have access to your files on primary computer. What ever is run in container runs in separate “bubble” (= container).

Just for fun, I have gone through a installation procedure.

  1. In Blufin at top left there is “U” button and select Containers.
  2. Now BoxBuddy program opens that is simple program, so we don’t need to understand complexity of Distrobox and Podman that it manages for us. Great simplicity, this is what we need… At the top-left of BoxBuddy title bar click on “+” icon.
  3. In the “Name” field type in what ever you want like “ART”.
  4. From “Image” field search for opensuse and select the image with “tumbleweed”. Why? Because in above ART web site it looks like it is the simplest way to install from Tumbleweed.
  5. Click on “Create” blue button on top-right.
  6. In few seconds (depends on your computer speed) new terminal is opened and container is being prepared. Wait few minutes that container is build.
  7. When it is finished the prompt is returned.
  8. Now looking to the ART web page there is instruction to install a program using command sudo zypper in ART. Type in this command or copy/paste it to prompt and press Enter key.
  9. Now installation of program begins… It ask a question. Press “y” and Enter to confirm you want to continue. This will also take few minutes.
  10. When finished I have got the following. It looks like some post install issue of lua script (I have not investigated, maybe some additional package is required - probably the best is to ask on ART forum). You can type exit on terminal, because we have finished installing.
  11. Get back to BoxBuddy and click on “View Applications”.
  12. Click on “Add To Menu” button, this means program shortcut will be created in your Blufin.
  13. When finished above button it is displayed “App Exported”. Now we don’t need BoxBuddy anymore. You can close down all dialogs with “x” on top-right title bar.
  14. Now press Super key (or Windows key that is located between left Ctrl and Alt key) or you can also click on 9 small rectangle icon (usually the last icon) from dock.
  15. On top of screen it appears “Type to search” and type in ART. I get like this:
  16. Right click on “ART (on ART)” and select “Pin to Dash”.
  17. Now you have a program on dash click on it and program ART is run. This can also take few seconds, because in the background container must be started.
  18. I get this. I have never used ART before… so I assume you are good to go for yourself now.

Hope this helps.

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