403 error

I’m attempting to ujust distrobox-assemble fedora and I’m getting a 403 error.

❯ ujust distrobox-assemble fedora
WARNING: This will assemble and replace the container fedora
with the one defined in /etc/distrobox/distrobox.ini.
 - Deleting fedora...
Error: no such container fedora
Error: no such container fedora
Cannot find container fedora.
 - Creating fedora...
Trying to pull
Error: initializing source docker:// Requesting bearer token: invalid status code from registry 403 (Forbidden)
error: Recipe `distrobox-assemble` failed with exit code 125

Here is my fedora distrobox recipe.

additional_packages="qtpass pinentry-gnome3 direnv cryfs"
exported_bins="/usr/bin/cryfs /usr/bin/cryfs-unmount"

I wonder if there’s a network hiccup? Can you retry it?

fedora-toolbox versions · ublue-os · GitHub is up, I can confirm the pull works here locally and it has over 300 downloads so maybe it’s something else?

Thank you for your response @j0rge, I appreciate your confirmation that it must be my end.

I found my issue. I had previously logged into container registry with podman and my PAT had expired recently. I already made a new one but I didn’t login with podman yet. I can confirm distrobox and friends works again :smiley:

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