I come from Proxmox (the main distro running on my desktop), where my actual workstation is a VM with GPU-passthrough that starts on boot and grabs my screen/keyboard/mouse while Proxmox runs various other containers/VMs alongside my main workstation VM This has given me an amazing experience:
- I can spin up VMs to test other distros
- or create LX containers for various services, etc.
- Take regular snapshots of my workstation to protect it from breaking
I recently got a laptop and installed Bluefin-DX as I like the approach of using containers/VMs and keeping the host system as “clean”. For a laptop, this strikes the balance between being able to use the host system directly, while retaining the container/VM approach.
One thing I would like to see in Bluefin-DX that I am missing from Proxmox is its “SDN” capability which was recently introduced. It allows you to define DHCP ranges, manage IP addresses with IPAM and register DNS names for VMs.
I’m not too familiar with SDN concepts, but it seems to me they’ve packaged several existing tools nicely behind an amazing front-end. Is this something that could be replicated in Bluefin-DX? I am mainly interested in QEMU/KVM having some form of dynamic DNS registration. Currently, I use the specific IP addresses that QEMU/KVM assigns from its “default” network to access my VMs. Would be nice if I could (at minimum) have a local DNS service that dynamically registers the VMs from their DHCP interaction with QEMU/KVM so that I can use host names instead of specific IPs (at least from the host system running Bluefin-DX).
Not sure if this can be extended to LX containers as well…
Is this something that would be too complex of an ask, or is it worth raising in the Bluefin-DX bug tracker as a new feature request?