Now, I have a USB-disk , it’s at run/media/myname/USBdisk
But if try to find that disk with, for instance Puddletag, I don’t have that media directory. I gave Puddletag more permissions with Flatseal, but that didn’t help.
I haven’t used Puddletag, but I use a lot of flatpaks and haven’t noticed any issue accessing mounted drives. I just launched VLC (from flatpak) and used it to open an MP3 on a usb mounted in a similar location to yours as a sanity check. No problems.
Can you get into the location you expect the drive to be using any means? Do you see it in a terminal command-line? In your DE’s file manager?
Dolphin sees the drive and folders, Clapper (media player) sees them, system sees them.
And like I said, it’s not only Puddletag (it was another tag-application, that’s why I switched) I can open the files on the drive with Puddletag tough.
But anyway, I installed Rhythmbox and that couldn’t see my usb-drive either, until I changed permissions with Flatseal. I allowed it to reach input-devices and that did the trick.