Distrobox shell completion

Hello! I’ve been using bluefin-dx and I’ve noticed that under Ubuntu container, for example, I can’t use tab key to complete various apt subcommand (install, update, etc.) and filenames when using apt install. I’ve checked the presence of bash-completion package, it is, in fact, installed in the container.
I think that issue seems to be related to the fact that container uses shared .bashrc file from host where bash-completion is sourced. Can we have completion in distrobox anyhow? Do you guys have any workarounds/solution for that?

I tried tab-completion in my ubuntu distrobox and it works. I don’t source anything from the system directories with my .bashrc or other dotfiles.

Can you share the container image identifier?

I have retested it right now in docker.io/library/ubuntu:22.04 and apt subcommands seem to actually get completed, lol. That’s strange, didn’t work before afaik. Anyway, I cant comple sudo apt install neov to enter neovim, for example