Check out our Merchandise if you want dinosaur stickers!
Bluefin is a Deinonychus antirrhopus. She was chosen to represent the project due to the Deinonychus being the dinosaur that changed our view on dinosaurs, see for the backstory. Enjoy!
Someone clearly innerstands the psychology of a need for an imagery hook, these changing dinosaur wallpapers are becoming like cocaine drama giving an endorphin boost, I just felt a serious pelt/pull from the ocean. WOW!
For something as simply boring as an immutable OS, its dynamics are literally and I know intentionally addictive.
I’ve gone as mundane as possible on my Gnome daily driver desktop with a dark gray style, a solid black wallpaper, in an attempt to remove any desktop/panel/dock drama and focus on productivity. It’s a real tool…
But, I have ublue-os/bluefin-hue:latest on my Surface 3, and periodically get a sweet fix when I boot it up…I’m hooked, very well done!!!
On all systems I have ever used I have always turned off default desktop wallpaper and specially automatic switching, because images despite being beautiful can from day one to day two become screaming colors or just some pretty annoying super artist image.
But for Blufin… I am always surprised how well those wallpapers are made, interesting, non-intrusive and I always take some moment and search what animals on picture could be. This is maybe ichthyosaurus, but on the wallpaper it has smaller jaw, probably some other animal? Please enlighten me, I have an urge to know, what animal is it?
I used to have it update automatically. Do you have any thoughts on why it didn’t update this month? I’m on GTS, and usually, the new background updates a few days later than the first. This month, the old background disappeared, and I just have a black background.