Devcontainer Setup

When you say you prefer the daemonless approach where did you put the command?

It should be podman if setup as a daemon but I’m guessing it isn’t finding it and defaulting to docker. It looks like you’re switching to root in the container? What is your full devcontainer.json? Did you switch docker-compose to podman-compose?

I’d used whereis podman and put the whole directory in there. same for podman-compose,

Also under your devcontainer.json I’d put this under workspace-folder:
"workspaceFolder": "/workspaces/${localWorkspaceFolderBasename}", "containerUser": "vscode"

Also post the results of podman info
And podman --config

At the bottom of the devcontainer.json file this might also help:

 "runArgs": [
 "containerUser": "vscode",
 "updateRemoteUserUID": true,
 "containerEnv": {
   "HOME": "/home/vscode"