To secure my data, I use MEGA and BorgBase (Pika Backup). Borgbase is fine, but you cannot use it to share files. Therefore I use MEGA as well. Also to sync some files on my phone. But MEGA has a lot of problems. After first install, you never got the settings or statuswindow (I tried by enabling more features in Flatseal, and very random it worked, for once or twice). Today syncing stopped altogether.
So I want to switch to a better service. I can’t seem to find one with a Flatpak besides MEGA.
I also tried NextCloud on my webspace, and that worked. But in the end also gave me trouble, which I couldn’t solve, because you need more of a VPS for that, to have access to a terminal.
Any tips? To solve the MEGA issues, or for another cloudsyncing service (pCloud, IceDrive, … none have a Flatpak client).
The MEGA client on flathub is very outdated. I suggest not to use it. Consumer cloud services do not offer windows style desktop GUI clients except Dropbox and MEGA.
Personally I run the MEGA client on an ubuntu container. Arch and Fedora images are also fine for MEGA client.
Thank you @zwintabris .
“Running on a ubuntu container”: that’s with toolbox and distrobox? Can you point me to a guide? I guess I’m a poor internet-searcher, but I can’t find a manual for that…
Yes. Use distrobox.
Roughly speaking, you need to created a Ubuntu (or whichever distro that MEGA supports) distrobox, and install MEGA within that distrobox. Then, export that app and set it to autostart (optional).
Installing applications with BusyBox is real easy, you don’t need a tutorial for that, I discovered :-).
I didn’t figure out how to let MEGA autostart at boot though. I searched the forum and the net, but didn’t find an answer. (I tried “start”/“autostart” “boot” and also “distrobox” with those searchwords).
You could consider pcloud or icedrive. Both have Linux apps that are distributed as Appimages, so they can be easilly installed on Bluefin. I have tried pcloud and had no issues.
Ah, I only looked for Flatpak apps, thanks for the tip @Bruno_Amorim (for the moment, I’ll stay with MEGA, because I already paid for a year).
I use Resilio Sync to synchronize data between my desktop, laptop, and VPS. The data on the VPS is encrypted by Resilio. The VPS then uses Restic (with an additional layer of encryption) to backup the data to Cloudflare R2.
For KDE Plasma, there is an autostart section in the system settings. I’m not sure about gnome.
Of course, you can add it manually via terminal.
How would you do it via therminal @zwintabris ? I’m not really a programmer, but I can follow guides
I didn’t use terminal for this purpose, since desktop environments can do that with a few clicks.
In Gnome, it’s in the Tweaks application.
Thanks a lot.