Bluetooth keyboard disconnects with short timeout during session OR How to Turn off Auto Suspend for Bluetooth

The problem:
I’m using a BT keyboard and BT mouse.
The mouse works fine.
The keyboard “falls asleep” after less than a minute of inactivity, and takes several seconds to become responsive.

Possible solution:
After some searching I suspect that Auto Suspend for Bluetooth is the culprit.

Does anyone know how I can Turn off Auto Suspend for Bluetooth or configure auto suspend not to kick in during an active session ?

Or is there anything else that I can tweak so that BT stops stopping?

Thanks in advance

BTW, I use Aurora with KDE, if that’s relevant

This bug ticket suggests you could try to disable Bluetooth autosuspend by adding kernel option:

rpm-ostree kargs --append="btusb.enable_autosuspend=0"

(Do not forget to reboot after this modification.)
You can read current value like this:

cat /sys/module/btusb/parameters/enable_autosuspend 

On my Aurora install it seems that autosuspend is by default enabled.

If adding kernel option does not help, you can remove it by running

rpm-ostree kargs --delete="btusb.enable_autosuspend=0"