Admin Permissions - Desktop Bazzite

Hello All,

Wanted to see if there was a guide on setting up additional admin profiles on Bazzite-Desktop.
I recently was switching from Gnome Bazzite over to KDE Bazzite on my gaming desktop and rushed through the setup and left the default user profile bazzite/bazzite. I tried renaming the bazzite profile and updating the password. The password change took but the rename and even the profile icon change was being odd. I tried creating a second admin profile and noticed the new profile had a whole heap of errors after logging in. Many of the ujust scripts failed outright and some programs would fail to launch. I imagine it’s just missing the proper groups/permissions on the profile but I didn’t seem to be able to add the account to the groups manually.
I ultimately ended up just flashing the hard-drive again and setting the default account to match, but is there any guides we have made that show the additional steps outside of just making the profile so it behaves similar to the default?
I get part of this is me being a lazy admin for the system, but it was a long weekend and I didn’t want to duplicate efforts if someone already has a guide. My preliminary searches found some complaints but nothing concrete.