Nice. At what stage does a ublue container generally appear? closer to beta?
We’ve set this up in the past. The current issue is the image is based on rawhide, which would mean the image would likely fail to build since we use rpmfusion to get codecs. This issue has more info:
If there’s a stable copr to bring it to F39 then it’d just be a matter of someone enabling the build, which we could do.
Plasma 6 will only be coming to Fedora 40 and beyond due to the rather large changes required. However, that doesn’t exclude it being built in a Copr and built into an image for other releases.
So at least for me, after doing the rebase to the Plasma 6 image, I can’t actually login, not in sddm, or in the tty, for some reason.
That’s really odd that you can’t even login in TTY. I know there was a bug fixed a few days ago that was in regard to not being able to type in SDDM, but that was fixed and deployed if I remember correctly.
Any logs from journalct -b --user -u plasma-plasmashell
or from SDDM?
No idea, because I can’t actually login, to be able to access the logs…
So no real idea what’s going on, but something is getting set in my original user (sfalken), that’s preventing login after the rebase. I made another user, did the rebase again, and I’m able to login as that new user, that’s never logged into bluefin. Time to start checking some logs.
Also in my experience cisco-openh264 does not support rawhide which prevents people from installing ffmpeg
So how did you solve this issue?
I honestly haven’t solved the issue, I’ve just been logging in as the secondary user, when I boot the machine into Plasma, rather than Bluefin.