I didn’t find a solution for this issue yet: Document class tex not recognised by Zettlr.
So the flathub version of Zettlr can export to any default template, also those using a pdf-engine (or how do you say that). But it doesn’t recognises or opens tex files, which is needed when using a custom template.
The AppImage version does see tex files, but doesn’t find the xelatex engine (also on the default pdf export profile):
“Pandoc exited with code 47
xelatex not found. Please select a different --pdf-engine or install xelatex”
Since the other version of Zettlr can export to pfd, there is a pdf-engine.
That’s possible. I also have Dolphin and there I can’t open a tex-file either with “open with”. So it could be Gnome.
I’m using the Flatpak-version, not the AppImage, because with the AppImage I could see the tex-files, but it had a problem with xelatex (see original post).
I got the exporting-problem fixed with the Flatpak version, that’s why I stay on it. I don’t use tex files, except for one customized export-file.