Uv and ruff for Python dev, include in dx?

Just discovered uv and ruff a few days ago. They are crazy fast replacements for pip, pipx, pip tools, pyenv, etc. (uv), and linters and formatters like black, pylint, etc. (ruff).

Not sure what the grounds for inclusion in dx releases are, but they’re being quite helpful to me.


I’ve been using both of these out of brew and they work great, no complaints.

But generally speaking we need to figure out a way for people to say “I develop in this language gimme all the best goodies”. Which we could do with brewfiles, like how we do for the kubernetes tools.

But also not keen on overloading ujust any more than it already is. Though we could also just toss a small section in the docs for each popular language, dunno.


A section in the docs might be the way to go. This would give people the choice of, say, installing uv using curl so it can update itself.

Might allay fears of bloat too.

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I am currently using the whole astral.sh toolchain, including uv and ruff through devcontainers (with VSCode Devcontainers)

However, the uv maintainers are against implementing the --user flag, which would allow uv to be used without a venv

As of now, uv makes it a requirement to use a venv anyway, which is a net negative when you are already developing in a virtual environment (Devcontainer, Nix, …)

See (and please upvote) :

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I also agree :+1:


That spelling made me grin ahah :smile:

Yeah, nothing is phonetic.

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