Universal Blue media coverage - articles & news

May I start a new thread and everyone that has some media coverage about any Universal Blue related info is posted in this thread (or moderators merge into this thread):


Great to hear hard work get recognition. :star_struck:

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In the article: Our friends in the Universal Blue project have prepared the update to Fedora 41 already…


At 13:17: “If hardware companies are watching this video right now, I would seriously consider putting more resources into Bazzite to get your hardware officially supported. Heck, maybe even start giving the option of shipping your handhelds with Bazzite instead of Windows.”

What the heck, now every hour new Bazzite review on Youtube… :slight_smile:

Great interview on the Fedora Podcast today!

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I looked on Framework laptop web page for laptops and interesting at the Compatible community supported there are Project Blufin and Bazzite listed.

It is great info there are listed as supported systems. Interesting (nitpicking) is that at “Bluefin” there is word “Project” and there is no visible notion this projects are correlated (branding issue?), except this is intentional to not “market” those two systems as “sister projects”, because there are intended for different audience.

Bazzite mentioned by LTT channel (timestamp 2:00)

PS - look at how he explains “immutable” to a normie (timestamp 13:40) in the Desktop Mode chapter: “It’ll reset itself when you reboot”.

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There is a correction in the pinned comment