TuneD missing gone?

Hi! I was using TuneD for startup script to powersave profile on startup. But with latest update tuned seems musing. I rolled back to 20240427 where tuned working. Does tuned removed complete and forever?

this was in my startup script “tuned-adm profile balanced-no-pstate-modified”

TuneD was removed because Power Profiles Daemon actually is the better solution for the time being, but in the future it may return.

Help please. How can i use it without entering root pwd on startup to boot into powersave profile?

since you have bazzite


but since people from web search might end up here, if you want to issue the dbus call to change the power profile they are listed below.


qdbus org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement /org/kde/Solid/PowerManagement/Actions/PowerProfile setProfile power-saver


gdbus call --system --dest net.hadess.PowerProfiles --object-path /net/hadess/PowerProfiles --method org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set 'net.hadess.PowerProfiles' 'ActiveProfile' "<'power-saver'>"


How to return to normal profile from bazzite-powersave? Baazzite-powersave doesnt change cpu profile (

Also kde command does not work. I think i have broke something. I dont have any profiles in KDE. “Not available”.

I need analog for this command without root pwd

sudo cpupower frequency-set -g powersave

Let me explain. When i dont play games i browsing, online video watching, youtube-ing or office suit-ing. So i need cpu be on lowest powerstate so funs stay off.

So, with this command via tuneD or ppd i profiled cpu to powersafe.
TuneD dont need root pwd on boot. PPD need. Bazzite powersave dont turn powersafe on CPU.

Please, help me to boot into low power cpu profile without entering 2 times pwd and without tuneD.

Says there Power Profile not available, probably because your system cant utilize PPD profiles so bazzite-powersave would do nothing since it only interacts with PPD commands (we used it back when we had TuneD too to easily let people set their pcs into powersave properly at boot on laptops)

If it had worked however you can run /usr/libexec/bazzite-powersave 0 to turn it back to balanced.

if you really need to have a script run as sudo with no user interaction, the correct way to do it would be make polkit rules for it. however since not everyone knows how to do that (me included)

a lazy way to do it would be something like (keep in mind this is a big no no if you need the system secure), only use this if your computer has a unique password not used elsewhere and you are willing to accept the risks of using this method

echo $(echo base64encodedstring | base64 -d) | sudo -S blah

this will echo a base64 string and decodes it into sudo which is told to accept the password from STDIN.
using STDIN for the password is not recommended since you can sniff the inputs from there.

You can make the string with (the space before echo is important to make bash not write the echo to history.
HISTCONTROL should be set to this or ignoreboth by default which will not write any command starting with a space to the history file, but just in case it is not i am also setting it before running a command that will expose the password to history if it was not set.
NOTE: no idea if this is a thing if you use a different shell! so make sure you use the bash shell when running this

export HISTCONTROL=erasedups:ignoreboth
 echo blah | base64

this will give you the string you need to echo in the earlier command for your script.


Another alternative would be to add the script to the sudoers (be careful not to break this file!) file to skip the password prompt alltogether, but at that point put the script in /usr/local/bin so it would require sudo to edit it!

Still need pwd on boot… Okay… thanks…