Today’s update (20250128) introduced the Nvidia 570 drivers and broke Bluefin for me. My system would hang after the second “Lodaing Bluefin…” status prompt. Rolling back worked but I decided to rebase to stable for the time being. I was hoping to see the 6.13 kernel to see if it fixed my missing wireless/bluetooth.
January 28, 2025, 4:37pm
Issue is being tracked here, people are looking into it, workaround for now is to stay on the stable
opened 12:19PM - 26 Jan 25 UTC
### Describe the bug
stable-20250126.1 seems unbootable (tested with Bluefin-DX… -Nvidia on a Lenovo Legion 5)
My booting screen (personally, with a Lenovo and a Bluefin logo plus a spinning loading icon) shows up, then seems to freeze after a few seconds, then the screen turns full black forever
### What did you expect to happen?
A working stable release
### Output of `rpm-ostree status`
❯ rpm-ostree status
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: no runs since boot
Digest: sha256:3a2bd576580c679d83174e8c2391108d26920cdeea44ffd8bede85ebedd071db
Version: 41.20250126.1 (2025-01-26T06:07:45Z)
SecAdvisories: 1 low, 2 important, 1 critical
Diff: 162 upgraded, 1 removed, 1 added
LayeredPackages: google-chrome-beta waydroid
● ostree-image-signed:docker://
Digest: sha256:dfdbfb5acd4390ed61d024aaa356568db90c20aff5c75ae76724a344f2f95cae
Version: 41.20250119.1 (2025-01-19T06:13:33Z)
LayeredPackages: google-chrome-beta waydroid
### Output of `bootc status`
❯ bootc status
ERROR Status: Initializing storage: Acquiring sysroot: Preparing for write: Querying root privilege: This command requires root privileges
### Output of `sudo bootc status`
❯ sudo bootc status
No staged image present
Current booted state is native ostree
Current rollback state is native ostree
### Output of `fastfetch`
❯ fastfetch
▖ malix@malix-pc
▗▄▄▅╱▅▅▆┯▘┳▇▗▄┱╴ bluefin-dx-nvidia:stable 🔐
▂▃▄▄▃ ▘▁▄▄╸▂▖╾┖┸┘▖▄╊╱┵▆▅ Bluefin (Version: 41.20250119.1 / FROM Fedora Silverblue 41)
▘▇▗┗▃┮▆▅▃▂▃ ▘▘▝╵┍▘▌▘━▚▇┆▗▝▅▊╲▃▅▄ Linux 6.11.8-300.fc41.x86_64
▋▝▖▄▆▁━━━▁▁▅▆▄▂▆┊▝▂ ▘▗▚▚▚▘╏▄▁▃▂▅┛▅▅▃▚▄▅▝▄ 4 mins
▝▊▝▃▃▄▖▃┄┄╵╶└┄▇┗▂▆▅▃▂▁▃▄▃▃▂▃▆▅▆▂┓▂▖▃▄▆▆▂▄▄▝▝▁▇▘ Forged on May 19 2024
▝▆┘▅╴▂▁▁▆▂▍┯▘▂▄▆▂▝╾▃▃▂▂▄▃▃▄▅▅▄▄▃▅▄▂▄▆▃▂▎▖▄▝ 82JU (LEGION 5 15ACH6H)
▁▂┯▝▖▝▂┗▄▃▚▃▃▚▇╾┓▅▄▝▂▃▆▄▗▅▊▆▅╹▄▆▇╌▃▆▅▃▅▅ AMD Ryzen 7 5800H (16) @ 4.46 GHz
▂▄▆▇▇╴▝▇▎▄▅▖┊▅▍▆╹▄▄▆▄▃▂▂▂▃▅▅┕│┋╴▆▂▁▅╴▖▌▄╲▃▃ NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Mobile / Max-Q [Discrete]
▗╵▄▂▂▂▆━┗▂▄▘▅┉┖▅▁▃▂▃▅▄▅▄▄▂▂╾▁▄▘▄┭▂▎▍▆┪▇┉▗┈▅┓ AMD Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series [Integra]
╾╻▝▗▅╁▇▝▏▃▃▁▅▄▂▅▃▂▂─▄┙╎▅▘▃╌╷▂▃▌▄┒╶▆┍▅▍▋╺╲ 3.07 GiB / 13.49 GiB (23%)
▂▄▝▂▅▅╌┠╳▁▁▂━▄▅▗▃▆▁┄┊▁╺▅╸╴▂┛▇▇┊▌╱╱╶┉▄▌▗▂▝▖╲┓ 140.10 GiB / 952.60 GiB (15%) - btrfs [Read-only]
▃╶▋▅▝▂▅▁▃▆▂▇▎▂┡▄▁▂╼╲┴╳┵▄▆▂▃▄▄▄▃▂▅▂╅▃▄▁┋╲▗▖▃▅┓▌ 1920x1080 @ 165 Hz (as 1536x864) in 15" [Built-in]
▗╵▅▝▃▅▅▆▝▖▅▇▅━▖━▝╺┱▄▘┯▆▁▄▄▄▆▁▘╶▁▇▘▆▇▎▋┊▝▖┓╲┻▌▊▃┬ 2560x1440 @ 144 Hz (as 2048x1152) in 27" [External] *
▅▆ ▆▖▘▁▄▃▃▅▅▂▃▄▄ ▗╸╎▝▗▆▗▃▘▎▊▝▘┃▌▚▄▊▊▎ 100% [AC Connected]
▝▗▖▆▅▅▅ ▗▆▄▇▄╸▃▊▍▘▅▖▍▏▎▊▎▅┒╍╵
▄▘ ▅ ▌▗▋▝▄▄▃▘▄▘ GNOME 47.2
▅▆ Mutter (Wayland)
bash 5.2.32
Ptyxis 47.6
2583 (rpm), 78 (flatpak-system), 7 (flatpak-user), 49 (brew)
### Extra information or context
Need to rollback to previous deploy (last week's stable - stable-20250119.1)
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Thanks. I subscribed to the ticket to keep an eye on it.