MOK enrollment instructions my mum can understand

So tonight I can to talk my mum through the key enrollment, I can’t go there and do it for her.

I can do the cli bits via ssh but but does anyone have screenshots of what happens during boot? I will have to be explicit or she won’t get it. If something’s going to time out whilst she’s looking at the screen which is the option she has to pick first?

I have done this myself sometime ago and I remember I had to choose menu items that were not explicitly outlined in the docs, and I don’t remember the exact wording.

Any help very much appreciated.

Hi Simeon,

Mike’s Tech Tips on Youtube has some really high quality videos on Bazzite. I can’t recommend the overall method he uses in the one on dual-booting Windows and Bazzite (he recommends disabling secure-boot temporarily and this can cause more problems than it solves), but the video does have a ton of quality footage - including video sequences of the exact steps you’re asking to see (the timestamp is at 647s, or 10:47, in case the forum embed doesn’t respect the stamped URL):

Good luck!

edit: PS, as this video is six months old it is certainly using the old key. You will of course have some variation in key name and password.

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Thank you, that’s a useful reminder for me.

I also found this page which has a sequence of screenshots, probably the kind of thing that could be in our docs: