Meet the team at SCaLE 22x - 30 million pulls and counting!


By the time you read this Universal Blue will have crossed 30 million pulls - a major milestone, it took us up until July 2024 to hit 15 million, so that’s always nice to know!

bazzite also just crossed 2 million!

SCaLE 22x

Lots of the members of the team will be at SCaLE 22x on March 6-9th in Pasadena, California.

We have the following talks:

Come find us for stickers and come hang out with us! You will find me at either the CNCF/LF Booth or the Framework booth! I’ll have both Bluefin and Bluefin LTS on Framework 13’s, and Kyle will have his 16 on hand if you wanna see what the premier gaming on linux experience feels like. :smile:


@j0rge I’ll look for you at the booth(s)

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Bazzite Talk:

ublue Talk:

Jorge shouting for 5 min: