Laptop not sleeping when closing lid on bluefin-dx:latest

Sorry if this is a really stupid question, I’ve been using Linux for a while, but just now dipping my toes into Bluefin/immutable Linux.

I’m currently running on my Framework 13 AMD laptop, and I’m having an issue where the laptop doesn’t go to sleep when the lid is closed. I’ve not added any custom layers to the image, just running the stock Bluefin image, with just a single Distrobox.

On my stock Fedora install, sleep happens as soon as I close the lid. Any idea what might be up? Or where I can debug here? Gnome Tweaks looks like it no longer has a general section with a laptop lid action setting.

Your title says :latest but your post says :stable. Does it happen on both?

Oh sorry for the confusion, the only image I’ve run is

It may (or may not) be a kernel issue. stable is on 6.11.8, and latest is on 6.12.

You can try rebasing to latest to get on the 6.12 kernel and see if that is indeed the issue: Administrator's Guide | Bluefin

If it’s still not sleeping, then it’s probably something else.

I’ve tried rebasing to the latest, as well as back to the GTS image, and I’m getting the same behavior on each.

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Ended up being the wire to the sensor being knocked loose. Re-connected that and now the laptop sleeps with the lid being closed. Sorry about that, ended up being a hardware thing the whole time.


Hah that’s awesome!

One of the benefits of having everyone on the same image. “Hey wait if everyone else is working except for me let me check my hardware …”

Glad you got it sorted!

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Delighted to hear this was resolved! Yay!

can you give more info on this? my fw16 doesn’t seem to sleeping either. Where is the wire and sensor?

Only happening with lid close or also happening with:

sudo systemctl suspend