I asked this over in Fedora discussions before realizing that folks here may be more familiar with distrobox/toolbox…
TL;DR: a friend runs arch and wants to maintain Fedora packages. I suggested he run distrobox and wondered if there’s a recommended image(s) for pacakage maintenance (eg. gpg, fedora-packager fedora-review, etc)
On my Aurora laptop, I created a toolbx using fedora-40 and did:
⬢[blaisep@toolbox ~]$ sudo dnf install fedora-packager fedora-review
⬢[blaisep@toolbox ~]$ sudo usermod -a -G mock blaisep
⬢[blaisep@toolbox ~]$ fkinit -u blaise
⬢[blaisep@toolbox ~]$ koji moshimoshi
hallo, blaise!
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