How do I overwrite the file /usr/share/accounts/providers/kde/google.provider


I tried adding google account to Online Account, however I encountered this error described in here:

So I tried the workaround solution, however, when logged in as root, I still cannot overwrite the file:

Please help.
Thank you

I tried sudo mount /usr -o remount,rw
and can edit and save the file, however, I still cannot log in to google account, so the workaround did not apply for me.

Please see this comment from the thread that you linked, it should provide you with a proper solution. (In short, you can override the file at ~/.local/share/accounts/providers/google.provider).

Also, be aware to replace the whole file with the provided one (in this message), and not just the client-id and secret, because there are other changes too.

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oh, thank you so much etvt, I will try this again tonight and report back

I followed etvt’s guide and confirmed that the workaround worked.
Thank you

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