Gaming mode not working

I’ve just installed, updated and upgraded my system, but it just won’t open gaming mode. Also, when I reboot, even my Steam account is logged off.

Any fixes for that?

*edit: I’ve added below any info I thought might help:


  jaizon@fedora
   %%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%             󱋩  bazzite-deck:stable 
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%           󰣛  Fedora Linux 40 (Kinoite) x86_64
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%###           Linux 6.9.6-201.fsync.fc40.x86_64
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%%%%%%%######        󰅐  7 mins
  ==                  =======######       󰔠  Spawned on Jun 28 2024
  ==                  =========#####     
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%%%####======#####     󰻠  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 (4) @ 3,60 GHz
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%%%#######=====#####     󰍛  AMD Radeon RX 580 2048SP @ 0,47 GHz [Discrete]
  %%%%%%%%%    %%%#########=====#####       3,38 GiB / 7,70 GiB (44%)
  %%%%%%%%%    %%##########=====#####       66,27 GiB / 218,71 GiB (30%) - ext4
  %%%%%%%%%====###########=====######       296,00 KiB / 299,39 MiB (0%) - vfat
   %%%%%%%%====#########======######        28,90 GiB / 221,98 GiB (13%) - btrfs [Read-only]
    %%%%%%%=====#####========######         669,06 GiB / 915,82 GiB (73%) - ext4
     %%%%###===============#######        󰍹  1920x1080 @ 60Hz [External]
        #######################           󰕮  KDE Plasma 6.1.0
          ###################               KWin (Wayland)
              ###########                   bash 5.2.26
                                            ptyxis-agent
                                          󰏖  2761 (rpm), 54 (flatpak-system), 6 (flatpak-user)

                                           ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

rpm-ostree status

State: idle
                   Digest: sha256:b48da348e0f942a18e833fb14f5483d70b291b41f34089c390148ad53a36dec4
                  Version: 40.20240625.0 (2024-06-27T02:01:04Z)

                   Digest: sha256:b48da348e0f942a18e833fb14f5483d70b291b41f34089c390148ad53a36dec4
                  Version: 40.20240625.0 (2024-06-27T02:01:04Z)

systemctl status bazzite-autologin

○ bazzite-autologin.service - Enables Bazzite autologin
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bazzite-autologin.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
    Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d
     Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2024-06-28 18:17:52 -03; 13min ago
   Main PID: 2470 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
        CPU: 24ms

jun 28 18:17:51 fedora systemd[1]: Starting bazzite-autologin.service - Enables Bazzite autologin...
jun 28 18:17:52 fedora systemd[1]: bazzite-autologin.service: Deactivated successfully.
jun 28 18:17:52 fedora systemd[1]: Finished bazzite-autologin.service - Enables Bazzite autologin.

systemctl status sddm

● sddm.service - Simple Desktop Display Manager
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sddm.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
    Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-06-28 18:19:36 -03; 12min ago
       Docs: man:sddm(1)
   Main PID: 9854 (sddm)
      Tasks: 2 (limit: 9293)
     Memory: 5.2M (peak: 5.7M)
        CPU: 47ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/sddm.service
             └─9854 /usr/bin/sddm

jun 28 18:19:36 fedora systemd[1]: Started sddm.service - Simple Desktop Display Manager.
jun 28 18:19:36 fedora sddm-helper[9856]: Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8.
                                          Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead.
                                          If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual
                                          for more information.
jun 28 18:19:36 fedora sddm-helper[9856]: pam_unix(sddm-autologin:session): session opened for user jaizon(uid=1000) by jaizon(uid=0)
jun 28 18:19:36 fedora sddm-helper[9856]: gkr-pam: gnome-keyring-daemon started properly
jun 28 18:19:36 fedora sddm-helper[9856]: pam_kwallet5(sddm-autologin:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_open_session

We’re going to need hardware information and logs.

will need your lspci -nn | grep -P "(VGA compatible|3D) controller" output
you might have one of the polaris variants we do not know about

also give me your
journalctl -t gamemode-sdl-workaround

“lspci -nn | grep “(VGA compatible|3D) controller”” returns nothing and “journalctl -t gamemode-sdl-workaround” returns only:

-- No entries --

i forgot a flag for the grep, can you run it again :person_facepalming:

lspci -nn | grep -P “(VGA compatible|3D) controller”

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Polaris 20 XL [Radeon RX 580 2048SP] [1002:6fdf] (rev ef)

yep thats a variant we werent aware of, i will see if i can get it added so it will be included in the next update

The weirs thing is that it did work before, then stopped working. After that, not ever reinstalling Bazzite fixed for me.

Thank you :grinning:

Next update will bee in a few weeks, maybe?

we are waiting on a fix in firefox to land was the last status i heard
and yes it would have worked back in fedora 39, somewhere in fedora 40 it broke and we havent had a workaround or bandaid fix until now

keep in mind though that keyboard+mouse will not work in gamemode when this update lands (this only affects polaris cards), does not happen in desktop mode.
make sure you have a controller that is already auto connecting to the computer available to navigate gamemode :slight_smile:

i’m personally hoping its out by the end of the month regardless of the firefox and nvidia wayland issue tbh, but relatively soon. try again in a few weeks and it should launch gamescope-session.

My controller is always on hand, that’s why I’m so into Bazzite. :wink:

But when you say “keyboard+mouse will not work in gamemode” you mean for navigation only or at all? Like, some games don’t have support for controller yet and we might also need the keyboard for typing!

Will do!

Thank you both for the help!!!

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At least for navigation, i forgot to check if sending keyboard input through steam input worked (since i always just went into desktop mode to play games that required keyboard+mouse anyway out of habit), also in the middle of going on vacation and i think i am the only person with a polaris testing rig :sweat_smile:

For anyone curious about tracking the issue on Github, here is the link: Gamescope not working on RX 580 · Issue #1066 · ublue-os/bazzite · GitHub

It was originally a problem when Valve changed the way Gamescope worked, so they had to add a different backup selection support for the RX 580 to continue to function, hence the weirdness.

Also, it is not just on the RX 580. I was searching for answers before posting here and there a lots of people with RX 480 and similar cards with the same issue.

These are probably all refurbished GPUs bought on aliexpress and some of them with modified bios, which back in the day used to give trouble even when installing drivers, on Windows. They sold tons o those in the past few years!!

One last question, this release should also fix Steam not saving my credentials, right?

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