So I followed the instructions, formatted the drive to btrfs, but now steam won’t let me use it. I’ve tried to format it via steam but it fails. I went into KDE and tried to unmount it then mount it again, still no dice. Already tried a restarting and turning it off and on again.
Gonna keep trying but seems like I might have done something wrong down the line. It is showing up now at the very least.
Edit - noticed the mount point says var before mnt/games. Should it be like that and would it matter?
2nd edit. Think I tinkered around a bit too much, now it won’t boot. Think I added var to the mnt/games mount path and it went dark. Now when I boot up it comes up with the bazzite screen then darkness
3rd edit. So got into windows, I reformatted the SSD. Now when I reboot, bazzite goes into emergency mode. Really stuck my foot into this one lol. I pressed on f8 on bootup and clicked fedora Linux (second option) which takes me back to bazzite. But when I boot normally it goes to the emergency mode again. Not sure what to do.
Edit 4. Apologies to the admins if I’m breaking rules by constantly editing this. So I found a tutorial on how to fix the fstab via grub (thank you mike’s tech tips). So bazzite boots normally now. But now I’m back at square one with a NTFS SSD. Real whirlwind afternoon I’ve had. I’ve been reading though this guide Auto-Mounting Secondary Drives. Do you think it’s worth following this guide instead, it’s similar to yours but goes a different route.
Final update - decided to follow that guide. Basically took me back to the original starting point. My SSD is btrfs, steam won’t recognise it, but it is mounted upon startup and doesn’t require a password.
Final final edit - it works now? I have no idea how it happened but I think I used this command sudo chown $USER:$USER /var/mnt/games then went into KDE partitioner to unmount and mount the SSD. Went back to steam and there it is. Even moved a game onto it and it works after a reboot too.