Adding Root Certificate

I need to add a root certificate foo.crt (not its real name).
It works on my Ubuntu system and the following looks valid.

openssl x509 -in ./foo.crt -text -noout

I am trying to add it using:

> sudo trust anchor ./foo.crt
p11-kit: couldn't create object: The field is read-only
p11-kit: 1 error while processing

When I try:

sudo cp ./foo.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors
sudo update-ca-trust

I get no errors from that, but when I try to verify other certs created using that root cert.

openssl verify ./bar.pem
C=US, ST=Tennessee, L=Nashville, O=Vanderbilt University, OU=Institute for Software Integrated Systems, CN=bar,
error 20 at 0 depth lookup: unable to get local issuer certificate
error ./bar.pem: verification failed

Any advice?

To make my question clear.

How do a add a root certificate to bluefin?
How do I validate certificates signed by that root certificate?

I found a way to do it but it seems odd.

sudo cp my-root-ca.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
sudo update-ca-trust

This results in a file in /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/directory-hash/.
As it turns out this is not where openssl looks by default which is governed by

Verification can be done with:

openssl verify -CApath /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/directory-hash/ ./bar.pem

What I would like to know is how do the various browsers (chrome, firefox) and programs (curl) make use of these root certificates?
Do they use openssl or some std library?

Here are some of my guesses as to where these root certificates are obtained.
This seems like a bit of a mess.

Possible root cert source

System-Wide Trust Store Updates (update-ca-trust tool)

The update-ca-trust utility managed the system-wide CA certificates.
When a root certificate is added to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ and the update-ca-trust command is executed,
it updates the consolidated bundle of CA certificates that is used by the system components relying on the system trust store.


Network Security Services (NSS)

openssl defaults

/etc/pki/tls/certs or /etc/ssl/certs.

OpenSSL or GnuTLS libraries

Which are configured to refer to this central store for trusted root certificates.

Tool Use What?

curl and wget (using OpenSSL or GnuTLS)

  • openssl defaults


  • Network Security Services
  • The system’s trust store


  • Own trust store managed through the application’s settings under Certificate Manager.
  • Does NOT use the system’s trust store


  • openssl defaults

I personally use

sudo trust anchor --store /path/to/crt

I also run the user p11-kit service/socket as well. Then, I make sure the flatpak browsers have access to the p11-kit socket.

With these, I seemingly am able to have the credentials added to browsers and work with commandline tools like git/curl.

Could you provide a bit more information on the p11-kit service / socket?
Meaning, how is it used in bluefin?

I was not aware of it. Here are some links I found.

Is this what you were talking about regarding service / socket?

systemctl --user enable p11-kit-client.service

systemctl enable --now --user p11-kit-server.{service,socket}

You will now have a p11-kit server running for your user. The socket which can communicate with it can then be binded into flatpaks giving them access to pkcs11 tokens inside the flatpak.

I ran…

systemctl --user list-unit-files | grep p11

…and see the unit files you mentioned.
I also looked at…

systemctl --user list-unit-files

I did not realize there were user services that were disabled by default.
What are they all for?

Sorry, got distracted there.

This exposes a p11-kit-server that can be accessed remotely and enables you to load different modules for accessing pkcs11 tokens.